Just me

In a world saturated with flashy logos and overpowering marketing campaigns, there emerged a sanctuary for those seeking simplicity, comfort, and authenticity. "Just Another Brand" was born not out of a desire to conquer markets, but from the fatigue of excessive branding and the yearning for genuine connections.

Welcome to my store, my name is Maria, the creative head behind this one-woman business. Tired of the relentless pursuit of trends and the never-ending pressure to conform, I decided to carve my own path.

"Just Another Brand" embodies the spirit of someone who has grown weary of the constant bombardment of brands claiming to be unique, groundbreaking, or revolutionary.

Kind regards,

1/5 of all items produced by the fashion industry reaches landfills without being worn even once. Buy only things you really LIKE. You will take better care of them and help our planet to fight for the future.